The Wombat #1 - Official Comic Trailer

The Wombat #1 - Official Comic Trailer

Watch the Official Trailer for The Wombat #1
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The official trailer for The Wombat #1 is now live! Explore the epic superhero origin of Miguel Mota, and his noble quest to become Pacific City's most mightiest defender, the Wombat!


The Wombat #1 - Cover A

The Wombat #1 Ounce Comics

As young Latino Miguel Mota struggles to overcome misfortune and explore his newfound powers, new evil lurks in the shadows of Pacific City. Ruthless supervillains terrorize the city on a relentless hunt to capture a mysterious wombat, by any means necessary.

The Wombat #1 - Co-Created by The Salazar Brothers, Lucas Assis, and Guilherme Sabino

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